Coordinated Entry for Housing Services
In response to legislation and regulations put forth by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), communities across the country are working toward streamlining access to community resources by creating a coordinated entry system. Coordinated Entry, also called coordinated access or coordinated assessment, is a system in which all programs within a Continuum of Care work together to assure that services are accessible and well-targeted to the immediate needs of the client. Ultimately, the goals of a coordinated entry are to simplify access to services by clients, track system outcomes to inform and enhance decision-making, and improve overall system efficiency.
With funding from the Virginia Homeless Solutions ESCADV participates in the Coordinated Entry system for Accomack and Northampton Counties. ESCADV advocates assist individuals in completing the housing assessment form. Information is than shared with Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission and appropriate services are provided.
ESCADV has limited space and funding to provide temporary (28 days or less) shelter to individuals who qualify as homeless.